Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she conducts clinical trials. She is also a patient with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles (paperback), and the cookbook The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions.
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Today, we are talking to Dr. Carolyn Berryman about the impact of pain on your cognitive function. Let’s start out with a question. Has pain ever affected you so much that you’ve had problems with your memory, or you’ve had problems making decisions, or you’ve had problems paying attention maybe in school or class or at work? Today in the podcast, we’re going to review what is cognitive function and if pain interferes with cognitive function or causes cognitive impairment.
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I have a really amazing guest. I'm so excited to talk to this week. His name is Dr. William Davis. You’ll know him as the New York Time's bestselling author of Wheat Belly where he changed the lives of millions by teaching them how to remove grains from their diet to reverse years of chronic health problems. In his new book called Undoctored, he goes beyond cutting grains to help you take charge of your own health. This groundbreaking book reveals how millions of people are given dietary recommendations crafted by big business, how prescribed medications are often unnecessary. That's something we talk frequently about here on the Healing Pain podcast as we talk about opioids. Last, how there have been unwarranted procedures that feed the hungry revenue healthcare systems that have become so large and pervasive in our healthcare system, another thing we talk about when it comes to things like injections and MRIs and X-rays for all sorts and types of pain.
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Dr. Melissa Farmer will share her thoughts on the role of learning and brain plasticity in establishing—and ultimately treating—the emotional memories that underlie chronic pain. As a form of emotional memory, chronic pain is perpetuated by counterintuitive physiological rules that distort how an individual perceives and interacts with the environment. Every individual creates a different “pain logic” to make sense of these experiences, and uncovering this logic is key in challenging these pain memories. Dr. Farmer will discuss the relationship between pain perception and the quirky mechanisms that establish chronic pain, how this learned association can drive maladaptive behaviors and beliefs, and how the controlled, therapeutic manipulation of emotional memory may potentially alleviate chronic pain.
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