We are talking about potentially what is the healthiest diet on the planet. We know that nutrition and diet is a form of personalized medicine. We're going to talk about one of the most evidence-based and proven diets that can help you with chronic disease and chronic pain. My guest is Dr. Steven Masley. He is a physician, nutritionist, trained chef, bestselling author and creator of the number one all-time health program for public television. His work has been viewed over a million times on PBS, The Discovery Channel and over 700 different media outlets. His book is entitled The Mediterranean Method.
To get started with the Mediterranean diet, I have got a great download for you. You can download this for free. It's called The Quick Start Guide to Create Your Own Mediterranean Kitchen. To download this, all you have to do is text the word, 167download, to the number 44222 or go to IntegrativePainScienceInstitute.com/167download. I'm excited to talk to Dr. Steven Masley about The Mediterranean Method, his new book, and how the Mediterranean diet can be one of the healthiest diets on the planet. Let's get started and let's meet Dr. Steven Masley.
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